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Authors Take Shelfies! Discover all Writer Snapchat Usernames

Calling all bookworms! We all love a good book to consume, and now you can skim the lives of those behind your favorites. Check out our extensive list of authors, writers, publishers and book companies all on Snapchat!

Just like a good book, it’s totally understandable to get lost in Snapchat every now and then! If you’re someone who loves the literary world, or the feel of a hardback in your hands, or passing an afternoon in a library or bookstore, then this category is perfect for you! Authors and writers might not be the most famous people on Snapchat, but they’ll be sure to satisfy your literary wanderlust.

Often quirky and fun, these writers on snapchat will light your heart up with their snaps! You’ll find yourself up-to-date on their lives, on the most current books & projects, and all the happenings in the literary world. There are tons of bookish Snapchat accounts to follow, so don’t delay in enriching your life. Explore Celebrity Discover’s extensive database and start enjoying those literary snaps today!